Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We are getting up there....

Well we are currently at 10% of our re-committment goal. That's still better than the $90 we had raised in my previous post.

So while 10% isnt much, its still a landmark of sorts...or a check-point might be a better word. It at least signifies that its a quantafiable number in terms of our goal. It's tangible.

Personally, I've been struggling with getting to my runs on a regular basis. I missed this past Saturday's run - the 6 mi long run - because I had an event to attend and didn't consider the fact that I would be late if I went on the run at 8am.

The event was the AKA Sisterhood Tea at CSU Long Beach. It was a pleasent event and I was able to raise a few more dollar (and maybe more...) for the the cause, putting my total at $100, so far.

Sem is bring in money - she's currently at $200 - which is awesome!

At my next show, I am gonna do a major push for donations. I have to come up with a game plan on how to encourage people to give during my show. I know if I make any money from ticket sales, I will donate the proceeds to the cause.

Today, I am hitting the gym before I go my voice lessons. I am gonna do a 30 minute run on the treadmill. I know its not concrete and the point of training is to get the body used to running under those conditions, but hey, it's cold outside and I'm just trying to get my cardio/heart-rate up so I don't die on our 7 mile run this week.

*i'm outtro*


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