Sunday, October 22, 2006

and we keep on...

(mood: hopeful)

yesterdays run was a lot of things.
one way to describe it was bittersweet.

sweet: because it was our first "team" run.

bitter: because it was our FIRST "team" run.

for one reason or another, it took us until now for all three of us to start doing our long runs togther as we had agreed to do every weekend. but it was also a lesson:

what i learned?
do not attempt to talk to G. before 9 am:

BOY was he cranky like i've never seen before. from the moment he got in the car...well, let's go back a bit. it took all of 2 minutes for Elle to wake up, but once she did, we were pumped to get the run started (or anxious to get it over with). important thing is, we stayed positive. after popping in the new Diddy album (our curiousity got the best of us) we attempted to keep our pre-dawn high going as we rode to Pasadena.

but G. wasn't havin all that joy before breakfast. it took him the ride to the Rose Bowl and at least a good half a mile before he even said a full sentence to us. before that it was a look that said, "i resent you for this."

then Elle thought it would be the most opportune time to ask G. how he decided to get into the marketing business.

what???? fortunately, that got him talking...and i became hopeful that we would be able to complete our 7 miles as a team.

but as we rounded out the last part of the perimeter of the Rose Bowl, the look on their faces said otherwise. once again, i felt let down and grew tired of playing the role of marathon nazi. so instead, i took off running finishing the route alone.

i stretched with evil thoughts, but upon looking up, i saw my teammates running towards me, intent on completing 3 miles hard if not 7 miles semi-conscious. my heart grew soft as Elle assumed the stretching position next to me and G. tumbled onto the grassy patch nearby.

i realized that although we were in different places now, physically and mentally, on jan. 28 we would be at the finish line together. so, with some negotiation (next week: back to 6 miles), i remain hopeful.


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